Casey Massino's Resume

Career Goals

I am a manager, librarian, technologist, and a writer.


I am familiar with the most recent versions of MS Office suite and Adobe Creative Suite for Windows and Mac OS, and I learn software quickly, especially customer relationship management systems and content management systems.
Web development
I studied information architecture and database design, and I value usability, findability, and accessibility. I prefer a design process that listens to users, builds around content, and iterates frequently. I can code HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, and MySQL. I'm good at jumping in with new technologies. I've worked with a number of different CMS platforms, including WordPress.
I taught PubMed workshops and did a lot of one-on-one teaching of database searching and software skills. I have experience working with researchers of varying backgrounds and abilities.

Recent Work History

Librarian IV: ASRCMS, contractor to US Environmental Protection Agency - Center for Environmental Finance, December 2007-September 2011
  • Answering reference questions in person, electronically, and via telephone
  • Developing and maintaining a Website, databases, and collections
  • Providing customized information services to colleagues in various departments and disciplines
  • Writing the procedures manual, monthly reports, and other official forms of documentation
  • Collecting and interpreting Web analytics and reference request statistics
  • Editing government documents for publishing
  • Providing technology recommendations about Web 2.0 advances, software, and hardware.
  • Digitizing archival documents
Solo Librarian: Thorngate Library, Clinical Laboratories, UW-Hospital, January 2006 - December 2007
  • Providing reference services for managers, technicians, faculty, residents, and pathologists
  • Instructing classes on the use of Pubmed, CINAHL, and other databases
  • Cataloging, collection development, acquisitions, document delivery, and developing the training manual
Web Designer: Community of Graduate Research Scholars, University of Wisconsin- Madison College of Letters and Science, September 2006 - May 2007
  • Redesigning a partially completed Website to comply with accessibility standards
  • Working with administration to develop content
  • Updating the site regularly
  • Developing new features to market the program to students
  • Assisting staff learning to use audio equipment and software
Lawrence Jacobsen Library, Fall 2005 - May 2007
As Technical Services Assistant, I checked in journals, processed new orders, made claims, prepared bindery orders, and helped patrons. I wrote a wiki based training manual and helped train my replacement.

As Web Development Assistant, I coded primate factsheets and was in charge of updating various content areas on the Primate Info Net Website. This site is a world renowned resource on primates. Other projects included redesigning an interactive touchscreen exhibit and presenting my findings on strategies for improving Web resource visibility in search engines.

Mandli Communications, Inc., June 2003 - December 2005
Worked as the leader of road crews collecting roadway inventory data in Florida, Michigan, and Tennessee. In addition to operating and maintaining computers, digital cameras, GPS equipment, I was responsible for training, supervision, and remaining within a budget. During the summer of 2005 my work involved processing data and performing various duties concerning quality assurance, training, and supervision. I coordinated a product delivery worth over two hundred thousand dollars. Just prior to entering graduate school, I was given the title "Service Manager."