Career Goals
I am a manager, librarian, technologist, and a writer.
- Software
- I am familiar with the most recent versions of MS Office suite and Adobe Creative Suite for Windows and Mac OS, and I learn software quickly, especially customer relationship management systems and content management systems.
- Web development
- I studied information architecture and database design, and I value usability, findability, and accessibility. I prefer a design process that listens to users, builds around content, and iterates frequently. I can code HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, and MySQL. I'm good at jumping in with new technologies. I've worked with a number of different CMS platforms, including WordPress.
- Instruction
- I taught PubMed workshops and did a lot of one-on-one teaching of database searching and software skills. I have experience working with researchers of varying backgrounds and abilities.
Recent Work History
- Librarian IV: ASRCMS, contractor to US Environmental Protection Agency - Center for Environmental Finance, December 2007-September 2011
- Answering reference questions in person, electronically, and via telephone
- Developing and maintaining a Website, databases, and collections
- Providing customized information services to colleagues in various departments and disciplines
- Writing the procedures manual, monthly reports, and other official forms of documentation
- Collecting and interpreting Web analytics and reference request statistics
- Editing government documents for publishing
- Providing technology recommendations about Web 2.0 advances, software, and hardware.
- Digitizing archival documents
- Solo Librarian: Thorngate Library, Clinical Laboratories, UW-Hospital, January 2006 - December 2007
- Providing reference services for managers, technicians, faculty, residents, and pathologists
- Instructing classes on the use of Pubmed, CINAHL, and other databases
- Cataloging, collection development, acquisitions, document delivery, and developing the training manual
- Web Designer: Community of Graduate Research Scholars, University of Wisconsin- Madison College of Letters and Science, September 2006 - May 2007
- Redesigning a partially completed Website to comply with accessibility standards
- Working with administration to develop content
- Updating the site regularly
- Developing new features to market the program to students
- Assisting staff learning to use audio equipment and software
- Lawrence Jacobsen Library, Fall 2005 - May 2007
- As Technical Services Assistant, I checked in journals, processed new orders, made claims, prepared bindery orders, and helped patrons. I wrote a wiki based training manual and helped train my replacement.
As Web Development Assistant, I coded primate factsheets and was in charge of updating various content areas on the Primate Info Net Website. This site is a world renowned resource on primates. Other projects included redesigning an interactive touchscreen exhibit and presenting my findings on strategies for improving Web resource visibility in search engines.
- Mandli Communications, Inc., June 2003 - December 2005
- Worked as the leader of road crews collecting roadway inventory data in Florida, Michigan, and Tennessee. In addition to operating and maintaining computers, digital cameras, GPS equipment, I was responsible for training, supervision, and remaining within a budget. During the summer of 2005 my work involved processing data and performing various duties concerning quality assurance, training, and supervision. I coordinated a product delivery worth over two hundred thousand dollars. Just prior to entering graduate school, I was given the title "Service Manager."